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Technical events


Have a revolutionary theory?? Why not let the world know about it!! Come present a paper on it, and get further support for future development!!

Typically you have to introduce,demonstrate ,lecture,meant to informative,inspiring,motivating or to built a good will or to present a new idea or concept.

*Maximum of 2 members are allowed per team.


  1. Smart grid

  2.  Nano technology 

  3.  Embedded system 

  4. Artificial Intelligence

  5. Power system handling 

  6. Renewable energy

  7.  Hybrid electric vehicles

  8. Autotronics

  9. IBOC technology

  10. Relevant topics related to EEE




paper presentation.jpg
  Tik-Tok && Electric Crux

Round 1: A quiz of normal enthu will be conducted .

Round 2: Selected candidates will be allowed for next level of Rapid                    round.

             Maximum of 2  members per team.

A total of four rooms are available.

The team members should find the key to enter the next  room 

>Time matters here ,hitch on it  as soon as possible .

Maximum of 4 members are allowed per team.


You have to design your own bot so that it should should follow a black line and various rounds of it will be conducted in different criteria.

Maximum of 3 members are allowed per team.

BOT dimensions will be send thorough mails.


1) The maximum dimension of the bot can be 25x25x20cm (l x b x h). 
2) The bot may be wired or wireless and length of the wire (for wired bots) should be long enough to cover the whole track and wire should remain slack during the complete run. 
3) Max weight must not exceed 3 kg and power supply will be 
allowed maximum up to 12 Volt.

4) The track will be in black.

5)Width of the track will be around 3 cm.

**Bot or other technical equipments will not be provided

Non-Technical Events​
 Connexion && ADZAP

Level 1:

Are you good at matching the dots ??? How about finding a relationship between irrelevant topics and coming up with a name!!! Come use your unique minds and solve it!!

Level 2:

Have something to sell? What are you waiting for then? Let us see how much you seduce the buyers with your ,esmerising tricks and tactics!

Suite up and baby here is something that you gotta buy.


**Maximum of 4 members per team.


Hey you guys this is a surprise event that blows all your minds to joy.

This event will be announced only on the spot and you will be guided accordingly.

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